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Rocha Sousa F. D., Souza Da Silva B. A., Elmoor-Loureiro L. M. A., Moreira-Silva C., Espolau G., Sarmento H., Isumbisho M., Borges A. V., Perbiche-Neves G. (2024). One more step in solving the Chydorus puzzle—a morphological comparison between Chydorus tilhoi Rey & Saint-Jeans, 1969 and Chydorus sphaericus (O.F. Müller, 1776) (Crustacea: Cladocera) Vol. 5424 No. 3:14: 308-322 (doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.5424.3.2)

Schiaffino MR, Quiroga MV, Metz S, Arboleda C, Padulle ML, Alonso C, Unrein F, Izaguirre I, Sarmento H. Inequality in academic publishing: Latin American Researchers Against the Odds. SIL News Issue 83. 2024.


Mendes, Leandro Manoel Afonso, e Hugo Sarmento. Detecção de bactérias na água tratada e armazenada em reservat órios domésticos utilizando citometria de fluxo. Revista Recursos Hídricos. (DOI: 10.5894/rh43n2-cti4)

Pedro C. Junger, Hugo Sarmento, Caterina R. Giner, Mireia Mestre, Marta Sebastián, Xosé AnxeluG.Morán, Javier Arístegui, Susana Agustí, Carlos M. Duarte, Silvia G. Acinas, Ramon Massana, Josep M.Gasol, Ramiro Logares. Global Biogeography of the Smallest Plankton across Ocean Depths. (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adg9763)

Menezes, M., Junger, P. C., Kavagutti, V. S., Wanderley, B., Cabral, A. de S., Paranhos, R., Unrein, F., Amado, A. M., Sarmento, H. 2023. Temporal patterns of picoplankton abundance and metabolism on the western coast of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Ocean and Coastal Reserach  (

Morana C., Borges A.V., Deirmendjian L., Okello W., Sarmento H., Descy J. P., Kimire I. A., Bouillon S. 2023. Prevalence of Autotrophy in Non-humic African Lakes. Ecosystems (

Pellegrinetti, T.A., Cotta, S.R., Sarmento, H. et al. (2023) Bacterial Communities Along Environmental Gradients in Tropical Soda Lakes. Microbial Ecology (

Rodrigues-Filho, J.L., Macedo, R.L., Sarmento, H. et al. (2023) From ecological functions to ecosystem services: linking coastal lagoons biodiversity with human well-being. Hydrobiologia (ttps://

Manral, D., Iovino, D., Jaillon, O., Masina, S., Sarmento, H., Iudicone, D., Amaral-Zettler., van Sebille., (2023) Computing marine plankton connectivity under thermal constraints. Frontiers (


Metz, S., P. Huber, E. Mateus-Barros, P. C. Junger, M. de Melo, I. L. Bagatini, I. Izaguirre, M. Câmara dos Reis, M. E. Llames, V. Accattatis, M. V. Quiroga, M. Devercelli, M. R. Schiaffino, J. P. Niño-García, M. Bastidas Navarro, B. Modenutti, H. Vieira, M. Saraceno, C. A. Sabio y García, E. Pereira, A. González-Revello, C. Piccini, F. Unrein, C. Alonso & H. Sarmento, 2022. A georeferenced rRNA amplicon database of aquatic microbiomes from South America. Scientific Data 9(1):565 (

Vieira, H. H., Bagatini, I. L., Pavan de Moraes, G., Freitas, R. M., Sarmento, H., Bertilsson, S., & Vieira, A. A. 2022. Regional factor as major drivers for microbial community turnover in tropical cascading reservoirs. Frontiers in Microbiology, 3176 (

Costa M.R.A., Sarmento H., Becker V., Bagatini I. L., Unrein F.. (2022) Phytoplankton phagotrophy across nutrients and light gradients using different measurement techniques, Journal of Plankton Research, 44:4 (507–520). (

Cotta, S.R., Pellegrinetti, T.A., Andreote, A.P.D, Costa, J. S., Sarmento, H., Fiore, M. M. (2022) Disentangling the lifestyle of bacterial communities in tropical soda lakes. Sci Rep 12, 7939. (

da Silva, J. V. F., F. M. Lansac-Tôha, B. T. Segovia, F. E. Amadeo, L. de Souza Magalhães Braghin, L. F. M. Velho, H. Sarmento & C. C. Bonecker (2022). Experimental evaluation of microplastic consumption by using a size-fractionation approach in the planktonic communities. Science of The Total Environment (821) 153045 (DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153045)


Chaffron, S., E. Delage, M. Budinich, D. Vintache, N. Henry, C. Nef, M. Ardyna, A. A. Zayed, P. C. Junger, P. E. Galand, C. Lovejoy, A. E. Murray, H. Sarmento, and Tara Oceans Coordinators. 2021. Environmental vulnerability of the global ocean epipelagic plankton community interactome. Science Advances 7(35):eabg1921 (DOI:10.1126/sciadv.abg1921)

Fermani, P., S. Metz, V. Balagué, J. P. Descy, C. Morana, R. Logares, R. Massana & H. Sarmento, 2021. Microbial eukaryote assemblages and potential novel diversity in four tropical East African Great Lakes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 97(9) (DOI:10.1093/femsec/fiab114)

Barreto Filho, M. M., Durand, P. M., Andolfato,N- E., Jordaan,A., Sarmento, H. & Bagatini, I. L. (2021): Programmed cell death in the coccoid green microalga Ankistrodesmus densus Korshikov (Sphaeropleales, Selenastraceae), European Journal of Phycology, DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2021.1938240

Peralta-Maraver, I., R. Stubbington, S. Arnon, P. Kratina, S. Krause, V. de Mello Cionek, N. K. Leite, A. L. L. da Silva, S. M. Thomaz, M. Posselt, V. S. Milner, A. Momblanch, M. S. Moretti, R. L. B. Nóbrega, D. M. Perkins, M. M. Petrucio, I. Reche, V. Saito, H. Sarmento, E. Strange, R. H. Taniwaki, J. White, G. H. Z. Alves & A. L. Robertson (2021). The riverine bioreactor: an integrative perspective on biological decomposition of organic matter across riverine habitats. Sci Total Environ:145494 (DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145494)

De Figueirêdo Pitombeira, L. ; Athayde, D. B. ; Daam, Michiel A. ; Guerra, G. ; Duarte-Neto, P. J. ; Sarmento, H. ; Espíndola, E. L.G. (2021). Integrated ecosystem models (soil-water) to analyze pesticide toxicity to aquatic organisms at two different temperature conditions. Chemosphere, v. 270, p. 129422 (DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.129422)

Campos-Silva, J.V., Peres, C.A., Amaral, J.H.F., Sarmento, H., Forsberg, B. and Fonseca, C.R. (2021), Fisheries management influences phytoplankton biomass of Amazonian floodplain lakes. J. Appl. Ecol. 58: 731- 743 (DOI:10.1111/1365-2664.13763)


Santos-Júnior, C.D., Sarmento, H., de Miranda, F. P, Henrique-Silva, F. and Logares, R. (2020) Uncovering the genomic potential of the Amazon River microbiome to degrade rainforest organic matter. Microbiome 8, 151 (DOI: 10.1186/s40168-020-00930-w)

Huber, P., Metz, S., Unrein, F., Mayora, G., Sarmento, H., Devercelli, M.. 2020. Environmental heterogeneity determines the ecological processes that govern bacterial metacommunity assembly in a floodplain river system. ISME Journal. (DOI: 10.1038/s41396-020-0723-2)

Mateus-Barros, E., de Melo, M.L., Bagatini, I.L., Caliman, A., Sarmento, H. 2020. Local and Geographic Factors Shape the Occupancy-Frequency Distribution of Freshwater Bacteria. Microbial Ecology. (DOI:10.1007/s00248-020-01560-3)

Alho, L. de O. G., Souza, J. P., Rocha, G. S., Mansano, A. S., Lombardi, A. T.; Sarmento, H., Da Graça Gama Melão, M.. 2020. Photosynthetic, morphological and biochemical biomarkers as tools to investigate copper oxide nanoparticle toxicity to a freshwater chlorophyceae. Environmental Pollution, 265, 114856. (DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114856)

Gebara, R.C., Rocha, G.S., Sarmento, H. & Melão, M. G. M. 2020. Resource competition among the Anostraca Dendrocephalus brasiliensis and three Neotropical cladocerans: implications on population dynamics and secondary production. Hydrobiologia (DOI: 10.1007/s10750-020-04181-6)

de Melo, M. L., D. N. Kothawala, S. Bertilsson, J. H. Amaral, B. Forsberg, H. Sarmento. 2020. Linking dissolved organic matter composition and bacterioplankton communities in an Amazon floodplain system. Limnology and Oceanography, 65: 63-76 (DOI: 10.1002/lno.11250)


de Melo M. L. & Sarmento H. 2019. Anthropogenic impacts on aquatic bacteria: a perspective from the tropics. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, v. 31, p. e111 (DOI: 10.1590/s2179-975x4919)

Gebara R. C., Souza J. P., Mansano A. Da Silva, Sarmento H. ; Melão M. G. G. 2019. Effects of iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4) on life history and metabolism of the Neotropical cladoceran Ceriodaphnia silvestrii. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, v. 186, p. 109743-000 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.109743)

Rugema, E., F. Darchambeau, H. Sarmento, M. Stoyneva-Gartner, M. Leitao, W. Thiery, A. Latli & J.-P. Descy, 2019. Long-term change of phytoplankton in Lake Kivu: The rise of the greens. Freshwater Biology. (DOI:10.1111/fwb.13383)

Câmara dos Reis, M., I. Lacativa Bagatini, L. de Oliveira Vidal, M.-P. Bonnet, D. da Motta Marques & H. Sarmento, 2019. Spatial heterogeneity and hydrological fluctuations drive bacterioplankton community composition in an Amazon floodplain system. PLOS ONE 14(8):e0220695. (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.022069)

Wanderley, B. M. S., D. S. A. Araujo, M. V. Quiroga, A. M. Amado, A. D. D. Neto, H. Sarmento, S. D. Metz, F. Unrein . 2019. flowDiv: a new pipeline for analyzing flow cytometric diversity. BMC Bioinformatics, v. 20, p. 000 (DOI: 10.1186/s12859-019-2787-4)

Mateus-Barros, E., A. K. Meneghine, I. L. Bagatini, C. C. Fernandes, L. T. Kishi, A. A. H. Vieira, H. Sarmento, 2019. Comparison of two DNA extraction methods widely used in aquatic microbial ecology. J Microbiol Methods 159:12-17 (DOI:10.1016/j.mimet.2019.02.00)

Junger, P. C., F. d. C. C. Dantas, R. L. G. Nobre, S. Kosten, E. M. Venticinque, F. d. C. Araujo, H. Sarmento, R. Angelini, I. Terra, A. Gaudencio, N. H. They, V. Becker, C. R. Cabral, L. Quesado, L. S. Carneiro, A. Caliman, A. M. Amado, 2019. Effects of seasonality, trophic state and landscape properties on CO2 saturation in low-latitude lakes and reservoirs. Science of the Total Environment. 664:283-295 (DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.273)

de Melo, M. L., S. Bertilsson, J. H. F. Amaral, P. M. Barbosa, B. R. Forsberg, H. Sarmento, 2019. Flood pulse regulation of bacterioplankton community composition in an Amazonian floodplain lake. Freshwater Biology 64(1):108-120 (DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13198)

Sarmento, H., I. Izaguirre, V. Becker, J. Padisak, L. Naselli-Flores, V. L. M. Huszar, 2019. Phytoplankton and its biotic interactions: Colin Reynolds legacy to phytoplankton ecologists. Hydrobiologia 831(1):1-4 (DOI: 0.1007/s10750-018-3872-9)

Costa, M. R. A., R. F. Menezes, H. Sarmento, J. L. Attayde, L. d. S. L. Sternberg, V. Becker, 2019. Extreme drought favors potential mixotrophic organisms in tropical semi-arid reservoirs. Hydrobiologia 831(1):43-54 (DOI:10.1007/s10750-018-3583-2)

Feitosa, I. B., V. L. M. Huszar, C. D. Domingues, E. Appel, R. Paranhos, R. M. Almeida, C. W. C. Branco, W. R. Bastos, H. Sarmento, 2019. Plankton community interactions in an Amazonian floodplain lake, from bacteria to zooplankton. Hydrobiologia 831(1):55-70 (DOI:10.1007/s10750-018-3855-x)

Alho, L. de O. G. ; Gebara, R. C. ; Paina, K. de A. ; Sarmento, H. ; Melão, M. da G. G. 2019. Responses of Raphidocelis subcapitata exposed to Cd and Pb: Mechanisms of toxicity assessed by multiple endpoints. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, v. 169, p. 950-959 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.11.087).


Amaral, J. H. F., A. V. Borges, J. M. Melack, H. Sarmento, P. M. Barbosa, D. Kasper, M. L. de Melo, D. De Fex-Wolf, J. S. da Silva & B. R. Forsberg, 2018. Influence of plankton metabolism and mixing depth on CO2 dynamics in an Amazon floodplain lake. Sci Total Environ 630:1381-1393 (DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.02.331)

Freitas, R., H. H. Vieira, G. P. de Moraes, M. L. de Melo, A. A. H. Vieira & H. Sarmento, 2018. Productivity and rainfall drive bacterial metabolism in tropical cascading reservoirs. Hydrobiologia 809(1):233-246 (DOI:10.1007/s10750-017-3472-0.)

Segovia, B. T., B. R. Meira, F. M. Lansac-Toha, F. E. Amadeo, F. Unrein, L. F. M. Velho & H. Sarmento, 2018. Growth and cytometric diversity of bacterial assemblages under different top–down control regimes by using a size-fractionation approach. online version. Journal of Plankton Research (DOI:10.1093/plankt/fbx071)


Toyama, D., Santos-Júnior, C.D., Kishi, L.T., Oliveira, T.C.S., Garcia, J.W., Sarmento, H., Miranda, F.P., Henrique-Silva, F. A snapshot on prokaryotic diversity of the Solimões River basin (Amazon, Brazil). Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 16, p. gmr16029567, 2017 (DOI: 10.4238/gmr16029567)

Mansano, A. S., Moreira R. A., Dornfeld, H. C., Freitas, E. C., Vieira, E. M., Sarmento, H., Rocha, O., Seleghim, M. H. R. Effects of diuron and carbofuran and their mixtures on the microalgae Raphidocelis subcapitata. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, v. 142, p. 312-321, 2017 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.04.024)

Domingues, C. D., L. H. S. da Silva, L. M. Rangel, L. de Magalhães, A. de Melo Rocha, L. M. Lobão, R. Paiva, F. Roland & H. Sarmento, 2017. Microbial Food-Web Drivers in Tropical Reservoirs. Microbial Ecology, 73(3):505-520 (DOI:10.1007/s00248-016-0899-1)

Ferrera, I., H. Sarmento, J. C. Priscu, A. Chiuchiolo, J. M. González & H.-P. Grossart, 2017. Diversity and Distribution of Freshwater Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria across a Wide Latitudinal Gradient. Frontiers in Microbiology 8(175) (DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2017.00175)


Pylro, V. S., T. S. Mui, J. L. Rodrigues, F. D. Andreote, L. F. Roesch, and I. M. Working Group Supporting th INCT Microbiome. 2016. A Step Forward to Empower Global Microbiome Research Through Local Leadership. Trends in Microbiology 24:767-771.1 (DOI: 10.1016/j.tim.2016.07.007)

Pérez, G. L., M. Galí, S.-J. Royer, H. Sarmento, J. M. Gasol, C. Marrasé, and R. Simó. Bio-optical characterization of offshore NW Mediterranean waters: CDOM contribution to the absorption budget and diffuse attenuation of downwelling irradiance. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers (online first,DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2016.05.011)

Sarmento, H., C. Morana, and J. M. Gasol. 2016. Bacterioplankton niche partitioning in the use of phytoplankton-derived dissolved organic carbon: quantity is more important than quality. ISME Journal (online first, DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2016.66)

Segovia, B. T., C. D. Domingues, B. R. Meira, F. M. Lansac-Toha, P. Fermani, F. Unrein, L. M. Lobao, F. Roland, L. F. Velho, and H. Sarmento (2016) Coupling Between Heterotrophic Nanoflagellates and Bacteria in Fresh Waters: Does Latitude Make a Difference? Front Microbiol 7:114 (DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00114)


Acinas S.G., Ferrera I., Sarmento H., Díez-Vives C., Forn I., Ruiz-González C., Cornejo-Castillo F.M., Salazar G. & Gasol J.M. (2015) Validation of a new catalysed reporter deposition–fluorescence in situ hybridization probe for the accurate quantification of marine Bacteroidetes populations. Environmental Microbiology, 17, 3557-3569.(DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.12517)

Vidal LO, Abril G, Artigas LF, Melo ML, Bernardes MC, Lobão LM, Reis MC, Moreira-Turcq P, Benedetti M, Tornisielo VL and Roland F (2015) Hydrological pulse regulating the bacterial heterotrophic metabolism between Amazonian mainstems and floodplain lakes. Front. Microbiol. 6:1054. (DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01054)

Teira E., Hernando-Morales V., Cornejo-Castillo F.M., Alonso-Sáez L., Sarmento H., Valencia-Vila J., Catalá T.S., Hernández-Ruiz M., Varela M.M., Ferrera I., Morán X.a.G. & Gasol J.M. (2015) Sample dilution and bacterial community composition influence empirical leucine-to-carbon conversion factors in surface waters of the world's oceans. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02454-15).

Sala M.M., Aparicio F.L., Balagué V., Boras J.A., Borrull E., Cardelús C., Cros L., Gomes A., López-Sanz A., Malits A., Martínez R.A., Mestre M., Movilla J., Sarmento H., Vázquez-Domínguez E., Vaqué D., Pinhassi J., Calbet A., Calvo E., Gasol J.M., Pelejero C. & Marrasé C. (2015) Contrasting effects of ocean acidification on the microbial food web under different trophic conditions. ICES Journal of Marine Science (DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv130)

Sunagawa, S., Coelho, L.P., Chaffron, S., Kultima, J.R., Labadie, K., Salazar, G., Djahanschiri, B., Zeller, G., Mende, D.R., Alberti, A., Cornejo-Castillo, F.M., Costea, P.I., Cruaud, C., D'ovidio, F., Engelen, S., Ferrera, I., Gasol, J.M., Guidi, L., Hildebrand, F., Kokoszka, F., Lepoivre, C., Lima-Mendez, G., Poulain, J., Poulos, B.T., Royo-Llonch, M., Sarmento, H., et al. (2015). Structure and function of the global ocean microbiome. Science 348 no. 6237. (DOI: 10.1126/science.1261359)

Sarmento, H., E.O.Casamayor, J.-C. Auguet, M. Vila-Costa, M. Felip, Ll. Camarero, J. M. Gasol (2015) Microbial food web components, bulk metabolism, and single-cell physiology of piconeuston in surface microlayers of high-altitude lakes Frontiers Microbiol. (DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00361 6: 361-3)


Morana, C., Sarmento H., Descy, J.-P, Gasol J. M., Borges, A. V., Bouillon, S., Darchambeau, F. (2014) Production of dissolved organic matter by phytoplankton and its uptake by heterotrophic prokaryotes in large tropical lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 59(4), 1364-1375 (DOI: 10.4319/lo.2014.59.4.1364)

Loiselle, S., Cózar, A., Adgo, E., Ballatore, T., Chavula, G., Descy, J.P., Harper, D.M., Kansiime, F., Kimirei, I., Langenberg, V., Ma, R., Sarmento, H. & Odada, E. (2014) Decadal Trends and Common Dynamics of the Bio-Optical and Thermal Characteristics of the African Great Lakes. PLoS ONE, 9, e93656.6 (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093656)

Darchambeau, F., H. Sarmento, J.-P. Descy (2014) Primary production in a tropical large lake: The role of phytoplankton composition. Science of the Total Environment, v. 473-474, p. 178-188, 2014 (DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.12.036)

Logares, R., S. Sunagawa, G. Salazar, F. M. Cornejo-Castillo, I. Ferrera, H. Sarmento, P. Hingamp, H. Ogata, C. de Vargas, G. Lima-Mendez, J. Raes, J. Poulain, O. Jaillon, P. Wincker, S. Kandels-Lewis, E. Karsenti, P. Bork & S. G. Acinas (2014). Metagenomic 16S rDNA Illumina Tags are a powerful alternative to amplicon sequencing to explore diversity and structure of microbial communities. Environmental Microbiology, 16(9), 2659–2671 (DOI:10.1111/1462-2920.12250)


Sarmento, H., Amado, A.M. & Descy, J.-P. (2013) Climate change in tropical fresh waters (comment on the paper ‘Plankton dynamics under different climatic conditions in space and time’ by de Senerpont Domis et al. Freshwater Biology, 58, 2208-2210. (DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12140)

Galí, M., R. Simó, G. L. Pérez, C. Ruiz-González, H. Sarmento, S. J. Royer, A. Fuentes-Lema & J. M. Gasol (2013) Differential response of planktonic primary, bacterial, and dimethylsulfide production rates to static vs. dynamic light exposure in upper mixed-layer summer sea waters. Biogeosciences 10(12):7983-7998 (DOI:10.5194/bg-10-7983-2013)

Amado, A.M., Meirelles-Pereira, F., Vidal, L.D.O., Sarmento, H., Suhett, A., Farjalla, V.F., Cotner, J. & Roland, F. (2013) Tropical freshwater ecosystems have lower bacterial growth efficiency than temperate ones. Frontiers in Microbiology, 4:167 (DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2013.00167)

Sarmento, H., C. Romera-Castillo, M. Lindh, J. Pinhassi, M. M. Sala, J. M. Gasol, C. Marrasé & G. T. Taylor (2013) Phytoplankton species-specific release of dissolved free amino acids and their selective consumption by bacteria, Limnology and Oceanography 58(3):1123-1135 (DOI:10.4319/lo.2013.58.3.1123)

Hingamp, P., N. Grimsley, S. G. Acinas, C. Clerissi, L. Subirana, J. Poulain, I. Ferrera, H. Sarmento, E. Villar, G. Lima-Mendez, K. Faust, S. Sunagawa, J.-M. Claverie, H. Moreau, Y. Desdevises, P. Bork, J. Raes, C. de Vargas, E. Karsenti, S. Kandels-Lewis, O. Jaillon, F. Not, S. Pesant, P. Wincker & H. Ogata (2013) Exploring nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses in Tara Oceans microbial metagenomes. ISME J 7(9):1678-1695 (DOI:10.1038/ismej.2013.59)


Sarmento H. & Gasol J. M.(2012) Use of phytoplankton derived dissolved organic carbon by bacterioplankton large phylogenetic groups, Environmental Microbiology, 14(9):2348-2360 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02787.x)

Stoyneva, M., J.-P. Descy, V. Balagué, P. Compère, M. Leitao & H. Sarmento (2012) The queer Tetraëdron minimum from Lake Kivu (Eastern Africa): is it a result of a human impact? Hydrobiologia, 698(1):273:283 (DOI:10.1007/s10750-012-1092-2)

Sarmento H. (2012) New paradigms in tropical limnology: the importance of the microbial food web in tropical lakes, Hydrobiologia, 686:1-14 (DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1011-6)


Karsenti et al. (2011) A holistic approach to marine eco-systems biology,PLoS Biology 9(10): e1001177 (DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001177)

Romera-Castillo, C., H. Sarmento, X. A. Álvarez-Salgado, J. M. Gasol, C. Marrasé (2011) Net production/consumption of fluorescent coloured dissolved organic matter by natural bacterial assemblages growing on marine phytoplankton exudates. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77:7490-7498 (DOI:10.1128/AEM.00200-11)

Tarbe A.-L., Unrein F., Stenuite S., Pirlot S., Sarmento H., Lecomte M., Sinyinza D. & Descy J.-P. (2011) Protist herbivory is a key pathway in the pelagic food web of Lake Tanganyika, Microbial Ecology, 62:314–323 (DOI: 10.1007/s00248-011-9817-8)

Rooke, J. C., B. Vandoorne, A. Léonard, C. F. Meunier, H. Sarmento, P. Cambier, J.-P. Descy & B.-L. Su (2011) Prolonging the lifetime and activity of silica immobilised Cyanidium caldarium, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 356, 159–164 (DOI:10.1016/j.jcis.2011.01.020)

Maurice C. F., Mouillot D., Bettarel Y., de Wit R., Sarmento H., Bouvier T. (2011) Disentangling the relative influence of bacterioplankton phylogeny and metabolism on lysogeny in reservoirs and lagoons, ISME Journal. 5, 831-842 (DOI:10.1038/ismej.2010.181)

Rooke, J. C., A. Léonard, H. Sarmento, C. F. Meunier, J.-P. Descy & B.-L. Su (2011) Novel photosynthetic CO2 bioconvertor based on green algae entrapped in low-sodium silica gels, Journal of Materials Chemistry. 21, 951-959 (DOI: 10.1039/C0JM02712)


Sarmento, H., Montoya, J., Vázquez-Domínguez, E., Vaqué, D., Gasol, J. M. (2010) Warming effects on marine microbial food web processes: how far can we go when it comes to predictions? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 365 (1549), 2137-2149 (DOI:10.1098/rstb.2010.0045)

Rooke, J. C., A. Léonard, C. F. Meunier, H. Sarmento, J.-P. Descy and B.-L. Su (2010) Hybrid photosynthetic materials derived from microalgae Cyanidium caldarium encapsulated within silica gel. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science. 344, 348-352 (DOI:10.1016/j.jcis.2009.12.053)

Léonard A., J. C. Rooke, C. F. Meunier, H. Sarmento, J.-P. Descy and B.-L. Su (2010) Cyanobacteria immobilised in porous silica gels: exploring biocompatible synthesis routes for the development of photobioreactors. Energy and Environmental Science. 3, 370-377 (DOI: 10.1039/b923859j)

Romera-Castillo, C., H. Sarmento, X. A. Álvarez-Salgado, J. M. Gasol, C. Marrasé (2010) Production of chromophoric dissolved organic matter by marine phytoplankton. Limnology and Oceanography. 55, 446-454


Stenuite, S., A.-L. Tarbe, H. Sarmento, F. Unrein, S. Pirlot, S. Thill, M. Lecomte, B. Leporcq, J. M. Gasol & J.-P. Descy (2009) Photosynthetic picoplankton in Lake Tanganyika: biomass distribution patterns with depth, season and basin. Journal of Plankton Research, 31(12), 1531-1544

Descy, J.-P., Sarmento, H. & Higgins, H. W. (2009) Variability of phytoplankton pigment ratios across aquatic environments. European Journal of Phycology 44, 319 - 330 (DOI:10.1080/09670260802618942)

Stenuite, S., S. Pirlot, A.-L. Tarbe, H. Sarmento, M. Lecomte, S. Thill, B. Leporcq, D. Sinyinza, J.-P. Descy & P. Servais (2009) Abundance and production of bacteria, and relationship to phytoplankton production, in a large tropical lake (Lake Tanganyika). Freshwater Biology, 54 (6), 1300-1311 (DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2009.02177.x)

Sarmento, H., M. Isumbisho, S. Stenuite, F. Darchambeau, B. Leporcq & J.-P. Descy (2009) Phytoplankton ecology of Lake Kivu (eastern Africa): biomass, production and elemental ratios. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30 (5), 709–713


Sarmento, H. & J.-P. Descy (2008) Use of marker pigments and functional groups for assessing the status of phytoplankton assemblages in lakes, Journal of Applied Phycology. 20, 1001-1011 (DOI: 10.1007/s10811-007-9294-0)

Rooke, J. C., A. Léonard, H. Sarmento, J.-P. Descy and B.-L. Su (2008) Photosynthesis within porous silica gel: Viability and activity of encapsulated cyanobacteria. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18, 2833-2841 (DOI: 10.1039/B802705F)

Sarmento, H., F. Unrein, M. Isumbisho, S. Stenuite, J. M. Gasol & J.-P. Descy (2008) Abundance and distribution of picoplankton in tropical, oligotrophic Lake Kivu, eastern Africa. Freshwater Biology, 53, 756-771

Descy, J.-P. & H. Sarmento (2008) Microorganisms of the East African Great Lakes and their response to environmental changes. Freshwater Reviews, 1, 59-73 (DOI: 10.1608/FRJ-1.1.4)


Stenuite, S., S. Pirlot, M.-A. Hardy, H. Sarmento, B. Leporcq & J.-P. Descy (2007) Phytoplankton production and growth rate in a large tropical lake (Lake Tanganyika, East Africa). Freshwater Biology, 52, 2226-2239

Sarmento, H., M. Leitao, M. Stoyneva, A. Couté, P. Compère, M. Isumbisho & J.-P. Descy (2007) Species diversity of pelagic algae in Lake Kivu (East Africa). Cryptogamie-Algologie, 28 (3), 245:269

< 2006

Isumbisho, M., H. Sarmento, B. Kaningini, J.-C. Micha & J.-P. Descy (2006) Zooplankton of Lake Kivu, half a century after the Tanganyika sardine introduction. Journal of Plankton Research, 28 (11), 971-989

Sarmento, H., M. Isumbisho & J.-P. Descy (2006) Phytoplankton ecology of Lake Kivu (East Africa). Journal of Plankton Research, 28 (9), 815-829

Couté, A., M. Leitao & H. Sarmento, (2004) Cylindrospermopsis sinuosa spec. nova (Cyanophyceae, Nostocales), a new species in south-west of France. Algological Studies 111, 1-15

Book chapters

Sarmento, H., I. Izaguirre, V. Becker, V. L. M. Huszar, 2019. Phytoplankton and its biotic interactions. Special Issue of Hydrobiologia 831

Sarmento H., Descy J.-P., Darchambeau F (2012) Phytoplankton. In Lake Kivu Limnology and biogeochemistry of a tropical great lake. Series: Aquatic Ecology Series, Vol. 5, Descy, Jean-Pierre; Darchambeau, François; Schmid, Martin (Eds.) 188 p. ISBN 978-94-007-4242-0 (DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-4243-7)

Gasol J. M., Sarmento H., Moran X. A.G.(2012) Determinación de la abundancia y la actividad individual de bacterias y arqueas mediante citometria de flujo. In Expedición de circunnavegación Malaspina 2010: cambio global y exploración de la biodiversidad del océano global - Libro blanco de métodos y técnicas de trabajo oceanográfico. Enrique Moreno-Ostos (Ed.). CSIC. ISBN: 9788400094195

Other publications (not indexed, outreach, behaviour ecology, ornithology, ...)

Batisteli, A. F., M. A. Pizo & H. Sarmento, 2022. Female neophobia predicts the use of buildings as nesting sites in a Neotropical songbird. Animal Behaviour 183:151-157 (DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2021.11.008)

Batisteli, A.F., Sarmento, H. and Pizo, M. A. (2021), Nest reuse by Pale-breasted Thrushes reduces the chance of cowbird parasitism and allows earlier initiation of breeding. J. Field Ornithol., 92: 105-114 (DOI: 10.1111/jofo.12363)

Batisteli, A.F., De Souza, L.B., Santieff, I.Z., Gomes, G., Soares, T.P., Pini, M., Guillermo-Ferreira, R., Pizo, M.A. and Sarmento, H. (2020), Buildings promote higher incubation temperatures and reduce nest attentiveness in a Neotropical thrush. Ibis. (DOI: 10.1111/ibi.12863)

Batisteli, A. F., E. N. da Silva Neto, T. P. Soares, M. A. Pizo & H. Sarmento, 2019. Breeding biology of the Sayaca Tanager (Thraupis sayaca) in southeast Brazil, Journal of Natural History, 53:39-40, 2397-2412 (DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2019.1704462)

Batisteli, A. F., R. Guilhermo-Ferreira, H. Sarmento. 2019. Abundance and prevalence of plastic twine in nests of Neotropical farmland birds. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131(1), 201-205. (DOI: 10.1676/18-24)

Batisteli, A. F. and Sarmento, H., 2016. Interspecific parental care by a rufous-collared sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis) at a nest of the pale-breasted thrush (Turdus leucomelas) parasitized by a cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis). Ornitología Neotropical, v. 27, p. 253. ISSN 1075-4377

Verniers, G. & Sarmento, H. (2004). Brochure grand public: qualité de l’eau et la valorisation écologique des lacs de l’Eau d’Heure

Verniers, G. & Sarmento, H. (2004). Schéma directeur intégré pour la préservation de la qualité de l’eau et la valorisation écologique des lacs de l’Eau d’Heure dans le cadre du développement touristique et économique du site ; Rapport final FUNDP-GIREA 2004, 171 pp. (+ annexes)

Verniers, G., H. Sarmento & J.-P. Descy (2005) Pour une gestion plus intégrée des lacs de l’Eau d’Heure. Tribune de l’eau, 58 (636): 3-16

Unrein, F. & H. Sarmento (2005) El lago Tanganyika. Investigación y Ciencia (edition in Spanish of Scientific American), July 2005, 346, 38-39

Sarmento, H., B. Leporcq et J.-P Descy (2007) Etablissement d’une typologie et d’une classification écologique des retenues de Wallonie pour répondre aux exigences de la directive cadre 2000/60/ce sur l’eau : Synthèse bibliographique, collecte des données et interprétation des résultats (convention RW).Rapport final, 47 pp. (+ annexes).

Sarmento, H., J. Auguet, M. Felip & J. M. Gasol (2008) Rojo en medio del verde. Investigación y Ciencia (edition in Spanish of Scientific American), October 2008, 385, 34-35

Sarmento, H. (2009) El año del Gorila. Investigación y Ciencia (edition in Spanish of Scientific American), Jully 2009, 394, 38-39

Recerca en acció: Tara Oceans: Sota la pell del oceà - outreach project (May 2011)

ICM Divulga - outreach project (January 2011)

Press coverage

Estudo da UFSCar usa técnica inovadora para identificar bactérias em caixas d'água (portuguese) (January 2024)

Estudo brasileiro faz descobertas sobre o picoplâncton e suas estruturas (portuguese) (December 2023)

ONU fecha acordo histórico para proteger a vida marinha (portuguese) (March 2023)

Dia Mundial da água: desafios para a preservação (portuguese) (March 2023)

Dia Mundial da água: A necessidade da preservação e dos cuidados com esse recurso tão precioso (portuguese) ( March 2023)

O que é: a biodiversidade;, ClickCiência UFSCar (portuguese) (Octubre 2022)

Pesquisas investigam influência das águas do Amazonas no Atlântico (portuguese) (July 2022)

Veleiro cienífico ajuda a entender impacto do plástico no oceano (portuguese) (december 2021)

"Mudanças climáticas causam alteração na cadeia alimentar dos oceanos", Correio do Brasil (portuguese) (June 2021)

"Research trip to Antarctica: The oceans are the next big climate issue", Dagens Nyheter (Swedish) (November 2021)

"Precisamos de uma COP só para os oceanos", diz cientista, DW (November 2021)

Ciência UFSCar estreia com evento sobre mudanças climáticas (March 2021)

Newspaper La Vanguardia, on Santos Junior et al. Microbiome 2020 paper (November 2020)

Revista Exame, on Feitosa et al. 2019 paper (March 2019)

Interview ClickCiência UFSCar (September 2017)

EMBL News from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory: EMBL etc Science "Supporting science at sea" (May 2016)

Revista FAPESP (portuguese) "Carreiras: Nas águas do mundo" (January 2016)

News FAPESP Agency (portuguese) "Genes do microbioma marinho são semelhantes aos da flora intestinal humana" (June 2015)

Nature Reviews in Microbiology (english) "Deep sequencing of the global oceans" (July 2015)

TV Globo (portuguese) "Estudo mostra que aquecimento dos oceanos pode provocar desequilíbrio" (May 2015)

Veja Magazine (portuguese) "A importância de cada plâncton" (May 2015)

Newspaper Correio Brasiliense (portuguese) "Estudo sobre plâncton reúne o maior banco de DNA oceânico já realizado" (May 2015)

Newspaper Sao Carlos Agora (portuguese) "Professor da UFSCar participa de estudo internacional" (June 2015)

Newspaper São Carlos Oficial (portuguese) "Professor da UFSCar participa de estudo internacional sobre microbiota oceanográfico" (June 2015)

Local newspaper São Carlos Agora (portuguese) "Professor da UFSCar participa de estudo internacional" (June 2015)

Documentary (spanish) TVE2 Malaspina Expedition - Spain (December 2012)

Interview (catalan) "Maneres de viure" COM-Radio - Barcelona (January 2012)

Interview (portuguese) "Meio ambiente: Tara Oceans" - Radio France Internacional - Brasil (November 2011)

RTP Interview (portuguese) "Portugueses sem fronteiras" - Laurinda Alves (June 2011)

Teaser (french) Tara Oceans à la cité des sciences et de l'industrie Paris (March-October 2010)

Interview (spannish) TV Antena 3 - España (December 2010)

Newspaper (spannish) El Pais (December 2010)

Newspaper (catalan) Ara (December 2010)

Interview (English) The Scientist (Jully 2010)

Newspaper (portuguese) - O mundo Português (April 2010)

Interview (french) Pilote Urbain (November 2009)

Interview (spannish) Radio Euskadi (La Casa de la Palabra - October 2009)

Newspaper (spannish) El Periodico de Catalunya (October 2009)

Newspaper (spannish) El Mundo (October 2009)

Interview (portuguese) Expresso - Portugal (Septembre 2009)

Interview (spannish) Radio nacional de España 5 (October 2009)

Documentary (french) TV France3 Thalassa 1 (Septembre 2009)

Documentary (french) TV France3 Thalassa 2 (Septembre 2009)

Newspaper (french) Libre Cours (University of Namur Magazine)


Protocols (Quantifying % Cover with ImageJ) - download

Lab's scripts and pipelines - link to LMPB's Github

Tara-Oceans gene catalog ("Structure and function of the global ocean microbiome" Sunagawa et al., Science, 2015) - link to website

Compilation of mini-reviews on Theoretical Ecology (by posgraduate students) - download

Compilation of mini-papers on Behaviour Ecology (by undergraduate students) - download

Compilation of EndNote styles for aquatic science journals (instructions in the "read me.txt" file) - download zip

Compilation of historical documents related to African Lakes (maps, books,...) - download zip

Reservoir database used in Sarmento & Descy (2008) J. Appl. Phycol. 20, 1001-1011 - download pdf - download xls

Database used in Sarmento et al. (2010) Philos. T. Roy. Soc.B, 365 (1549), 2137-2149 - download xls